kerofek |
Posted on 24-03-2024 20:23


Posts: 4
Joined: 24.03.24
Clanname [clantag]:
1) Name: kerofek
2) Age: 15
3) Ingame nickname: kerofek
4) Previous nicknames: -
5) Contact information (FB, Discord): kerofek1
Game Information -
6) Since which year do you play SA:MP?: 2018
7) How frequently do you play SA:MP?: active on weekends
8) Clan history and reasons of leaving: RNT, reason of leavnig because its closed
9) In which occasions did you learn about our clan for the first time?: I knew about Ds from 2021 and i like its server
10) Why do you want to join our clan?: because it is strong clan
11) What servers do you usually play on?: UIF, WTLS 3
12) Do you use any modifications? If so, what kind?: i only use fps boosts
13) Did you use any cheats in the past? If so, what kind?: i dont use cheats, i used to in 2020 but only test didnt like it
14) Your FPS / Your PING: my fps usually 90-100 on cw servers and my ping without lags 90-80-100
Skill -
15) Rate your skill level with sawnoff shotgun (1-10): 8/10
16) Did you ever play walk? If so, which weapons do you: prefer? (In case you have never played walk, don’t fill this question):
17) Do you play other games, if so which one?: i play mobile games only like pubg etc not playing other games on pc i play offline games some times like need for speed, gta etc
18) Other skills (scripting/programming, mapping, graphic stuff): aa i used to map but im not experienced that much
Conclusion -
19) Are you ready to participate on clan activities?: of course and im ready for any test
20) Tell us about yourself: Well im a simple person started to play samp on 2018 and i learned sawnoff on uif and s3 and i got experienced with sawn |
Pesna |
Posted on 24-03-2024 20:53

Site Administrator

Posts: 1216
Joined: 02.04.13
Discord Pesna#5016
Clan-history: HoMieS, art, DX
Clanname [clantag]: Ds
Hi, RNT was your own clan? What is K1 or neM in your history? I ll arrange tg and write you an date here
kerofek |
Posted on 24-03-2024 21:01


Posts: 4
Joined: 24.03.24
Clanname [clantag]:
I didnt join K1 before, neM is not cw/tg clan its UIF crew |
kerofek |
Posted on 24-03-2024 21:02


Posts: 4
Joined: 24.03.24
Clanname [clantag]:
+ i was just clan leader on RNT not my own Alright im waiting for the date sir |
Roc |
Posted on 26-03-2024 00:09

Site Administrator
 Web Maintenance
 Elite Member

Posts: 180
Joined: 03.04.13
Location Sweden
Clan-history: THC, RaS, BoSA, RST, FROST, Ds
Clanname [clantag]: DeadSquad [Ds]
The thing is that we do not play actively these days. I am not sure whether you would fit in as I bet that there are not many clan-members, who might be familiar with your name.
kerofek |
Posted on 26-03-2024 02:38


Posts: 4
Joined: 24.03.24
Clanname [clantag]:
I just want to join Ds because im active and I'm ready to offer anything to the clan and i can be known to the clan members on the future |
Pesna |
Posted on 26-03-2024 19:57

Site Administrator

Posts: 1216
Joined: 02.04.13
Discord Pesna#5016
Clan-history: HoMieS, art, DX
Clanname [clantag]: Ds
You're a good player, u can handle teamplay pretty well and you're also capable in 1v1. However, I dont know you, neither anybody from Ds, in these times when every second player cheats it's a big risk to accept a player into the clan which none of us know. It's a longtime policy of Ds, we would accept even weaker players but with the certainty of their clean play. Of course it's nothing personal, as I said, in my opinion you're a very good player but our policy is our policy. I think you will have no problems to get accepted into some other clan, and I hope we will be able to meet in some match. God bless you and good luck